Austin & Ferguson supports the work of MIRA – a statewide organization that works to improve the lives of immigrants in Missouri, works on legislation that affects immigrants and our communities, and partners with national organizations to work on Immigration Reform.

M IRA is pleased that DACA is continuing and is advocating for passage of a "clean" DREAM Act that would benefit youth and provide a pathway for permanent legal status..

As a note, when policy announcements like this are made, our community often sees and uptick in notario fraud - unscrupulous practitioners who will take immigrants' money while they fraudulently claim to be able to help them with their legal issues.  When seeking council or representation, make sure you are working with a licensed attorney or an accredited representative.  For more information, check out this website from AILA: http://www.stopnotariofraud.org/

As always, please feel free to contact the office with questions. Go to the MIRA website, www.mira-mo.org to donate to this important work in Missouri.
Angela Ferguson serves on the executive board of AIRR, a local inter-faith advocacy group working to Educate the community about Immigration, Advocate for Immigrant rights and Inspire the community to get active working for Immigration Reform.
  AIRR offers film events and forums for local congregations, with discussion leaders and materials. If your church is interested in scheduling an event, please contact Angela Ferguson or visit the AIRR website.

AIRR is building a network of volunteers to offer radical hospitality for those who are having difficulty with the immigration process. If you want to get involved with helping provide transportation, housing, food, accompaniment for immigration court, translation services, and other acts of hospitality, please check out opportunities on our facebook page.
  MORE2 – Angela Ferguson is a member of All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, which is a founding member of More2, the Metro Organization for Racial Economic Equity. Angela Ferguson is a member of the More2 Core Team at All Souls, working on issues of criminal justice, transportation, education, workforce development and immigration. Immigration Reform is one of the top 3 campaign issues of the national organization, Gamaliel Foundation, to which More2 belongs. As we find ways for all people of color to work together on common issues, we will find that we have more power to bring about the change that is needed in our communities.  
  The SSL campaign was started by the Unitarian Universalist Association as a way to raise awareness of issues surrounding the LGBT community. However, many of the same issues affect other communities, such as our immigrant families. The SSL campaign was expanded to include efforts to stand on the side of love for immigrant families – to keep families together and STOP the deportations of parents. We are proud to be part of the SSL campaign and to demonstrate against those who are working to tear our families apart.  
  Angela Ferguson is a member of the Social Responsibility Board of All Souls UU Church. Over the past year, All Souls has sponsored several forums dealing with Immigration issues. In 2018, as part of the 150th anniversary, ASUU will be holding a Citizenship clinic to help people apply for citizenship and become active voters. One of the study/action issues of the Unitarian Universalist Associaation is to repeal the Doctrine of Discovery – the doctrine that allowed European countries to conquer lands in the New World and claim them, because the natives were not Christians – a doctrine that originated with the Crusades and has not been repudiated to this day. For more information on the Doctrine, the Witness events and upcoming UUA events, visit www.uua.org.